14 Days of jQuery

jquery-logoI will never be a javascript ninja, but that doesn’t stop me from voraciously collecting bookmarks to jQuery plugins and tutorlals. I’ve vowed to myself to become better acquainted with the library this year, and what better way than to follow 14 Days of jQuery? 14 Days of jQuery is launching on, wait, for it January 14th, to celebrate the release of jQuery 1.4, which happens to also be the birthday of the incredibly useful, lightweight library.

What is particularly nice about this event is that it it’s being managed by the actual jQuery team, and not just some people looking to cash in on its popularity, so I look forward to the new releases, videos and tutorials that will be announced over the two weeks.

They are also doing a promotion where if you donate $20 or more to the project, you get your choice of one of several jquery/javascript e-books. Budget permitting, I may cash in on that, as donating to an open source project is always good karma, and a book would go far towards my goal of becoming more familiar with jQuery. I’ve got my eye on the jQuery for Designers, which probably would cover what I’m most interested in learning.

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