Beard Poster

beard posterLast week I came across an interesting site, Beard Revue, and for the site’s 1 year anniversary, the author had created a print based on the classic Milton Glaser Dylan print. Something about the print spoke to me. Maybe I was caught in a melancholy mood thinking about my father, and how significant his beard was to me. I’m not sure, but I ordered the print in one of those 2am browsing the web moments. I got an email from the author middle of the week saying the print had been shipped, and low and behold, today it arrived in the mail. I’d like to start buying more original art like this. I’ve been keeping my eye on 20x200 for something to capture me, but a site with larger, affordable prints such as the beard revue would be a great find. There’s something about opening the tube and smelling the ink that creates a much more personal connection to the artist. I’d also add the little touch of using stamps on the tube also lends a personal touch, particularly in this case, where several different stamps are used.

Oh, and if you are a beard aficionado, you definitely want to check out Michael’s blog.

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