Can't Wait to See How Mel Answers that Letter

So I wrote my Senators late last week voicing my concerns over the fact that the slime ball Republicans were tagging things like ANWR drilling on a defense dept budget. We’ve got fellow Americans with their lives on the line over seas, and their safety depends on the allocation of funds to the military. And so what are scum bags like Ted Stevens doing? Playing politics with those fellow countryman’s lives. Yep. Betting their constituents lives that Democrats won’t vote against a DoD bill. I’m sure Senator Nelson will be at the forefront of maneuvers to separate the two, but I’m not so sure Martinez will be. I told him in my email that not only did I think it was disgusting to play politics with soldiers lives, I also said that supporting drilling in ANWR would be to support drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. His site says all correspondence will receive a written response, so I can’t wait to hear how he justifies this one. Perhaps you may want to contact your representatives and see how they can justify their actions as well.

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