So with the ever growing trend in cable news to simply discuss missing boyfriends of washed up pop stars, and missing 18 year olds, I’ve found myself looking for something else to have on in the background. Enter or as the info on the cable says, google current. We all heard about it, Al Gore, blah blah, insert created Internet joke here. But it’s not bad. Most of what I’ve seen is “viewer created” shorts. Nothing has been “bad”, and some of it has been poignant. Certainly beats Fox News, or should I say, “Jennifer Holloway, 24/7”. What was Jon Stewart saying the other night, 14 Americans died in Iraq, and Fox still ran Van Sustren and the Holloway story. Right now they are showing the top 10 Clicked News Stories, and how ironic, the #1 story was “Newton’s Partner seen alive”…

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