IndieWeb Summit 2016

IndieWeb Summit 2016 and what I hope to accomplish attending remotely.

This weekend is the 2016 IndieWeb Summit in Portland Oregon. I would have loved to attend in person, but a cross country flight wasn’t in the cards. Fortunately, the organizers have long had plans in place to accommodate remote attendance by providing live video feeds of demonstrations as well as covering a couple of the breakout sessions on Saturday. IWC also has a robust IRC channel which will facilitate participation on build day.

My primary goals beyond furthering my understanding of the technologies behind the IndieWeb is to switch back to for receiving webmentions. Aaron Gustafson updated his Jekyll plugin and I like the idea of cached mentions as well as the idea of using progressive enhancement in displaying them. This will entail taking the mentions from the current tool and formatting them to match Aaron’s cache file.

Secondly, I want to wrap my head around syndicating from micropub and begin to use it more. I believe there is a workflow out there, I just need to fully understand how to wire them all the bits together. If time permits, also in the micropub realm, I want to get mobile publishing set up.