Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview

Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 PreviewI never thought I’d herald the release of an IE product, and after testing it I may not be so interested, but if you’ve ever sat up until 5am trying to hack IE bugs in a completely valid site while your client in California keeps saying, “In IE…”, then the prospects of some of those bugs being gone is well, worth the annoucement. Annouced last July on the developer’s blog, these bugs are supposed to be addressed in beta 2.

  • Peekaboo bug
  • Guillotine bug
  • Duplicate Character bug
  • Border Chaos
  • No Scroll bug
  • 3 Pixel Text Jog
  • Magic Creeping Text bug
  • Bottom Margin bug on Hover
  • Losing the ability to highlight text under the top border
  • IE/Win Line-height bug
  • Double Float Margin Bug
  • Quirky Percentages in IE
  • Duplicate indent
  • Moving viewport scrollbar outside HTML borders
  • 1 px border style
  • Disappearing List-background
  • Fix width:auto

And I’ll say a bug I spent several hours hacking last night is fixed in beta2. Good sign (it was a lesser known a:hover background sticking bug, for those who care).

Like I said, maybe a little less cursing now.

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