More About Using My Blog

My work life has prevented me from doing anything much related to online life, or writing much in general. That however doesn’t mean that during the hundreds of miles a day I’ve been driving that I don’t think about it. While catching up on my RSS feeds, this post from the Pastry Box, You don’t have time for perfection sums up a lot of why I didn’t use it more when I actually did web development.

I’ve had enough of maybe-later, of I’m too busy right now, of after I’m done with this. I’ll be publishing anything I think others will benefit from. Ten non-perfect pieces are better than zero wannabe-perfect ones.

Perhaps from where I’m sitting, it won’t always be what I think others might benefit from, rather a benefit to me. Be it saving a snippet of code for posterity (which could benefit others), reflecting on a moment or just sharing thoughts about a band. Anything to have it centralized and outside the walls of Facebook, Twitter and the like.

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