Tampa Blogging

I was checking my recent referers, and saw that I had several referals from Seminole Heights Blog, and the discussion of the bay area being “blog capital of Florida”. I rarely discuss Tampa issues, and funny enough, I just came across an article at tbo.com discussing Tampa officials wanting to ease laws regarding gifts of tickets. When I read the article, I almost wrote about it then. But after reading the discussion, I feel I must touch on it. The article discusses the desire of Iorio and city council members wanting to be allowed to accept tickets that cost more than the $100 that they are currently allowed to accept. And my question is this, what events are you wanting to go to that cost more than $100? The article discusses “community events”, but I’m not aware of these events. If they are fundraisers rather than community events, I would question who is raising the funds, and why exactly do they need the mayor or a city council person there? Iorio discusses a USF game recently. Last time I checked, tickets were less than $100 to the game. Likewise in Dingfelder’s Bucs game issues. Tickets can cost much less than $100. Now, in my humble opinion, if these elected officials want to hang out in a luxury box, and eat a catered meal, drink top-shelf cocktails while watching a football game rather than sit in the seats with those who elected them, then they should pay for the difference out of their pocket. Likewise, if it’s a fundraiser, be it children’s causes or Gasparilla, I’m uncomfortable with event planners being able to bring in the mayor for free, which may be a “selling point” to those wealthy enough to attend. Smells fishy all ready.

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