Well, It's a Start

I’ve managed to go through my first 140 or so posts and add tags via the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin, so the concept of “categories” is now all but moot here at Mindless Ramblings. Hence the tag “cloud” in the middle. I’ve recently purchased a new camera phone with the hopes of moblogging some, but the flickr gallery plugin I’m trying to use is beta, maybe more like alpha, but hopefully I’ll get it to work, until then, don’t click the gallery link. I did do a little modification to the squible default style.css, but aside from a different image on the lead post and some colors changes, it’s straight out of the box. It’s such a different theme, that until I work through it more, it’s kinda hard to start changing things. Again, stay out of the gallery please, it’s not quite ready, but I may need it live to help trouble shoot the install.

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