WhatTheFont for iPhone

<img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3443/3271849725_c0bc1882e6_m.jpg”class=”right” alt=””/>Perhaps not perfect, but certainly works (I tested it by taking a pic of my latest AT&T bill, it recognized the logo and returned Humanist 777 Bold Condensed). I’ve often seen an advertisement while out and and about and wondered what the font face was, now I’ve got a fighting chance to find out. Currently free and a .1 release, one can only imagine it will improve.

The app basically allows you to take a pic, use your finger to crop the image to just highlight the text, and then it uploads the font to their server. It then does what the web app does, compares the image with some kind of OCR and has you confirm that the corresponding characters are correct. Once you approve the recognition, it returns the font(s).

Pretty nifty little app if you ask me.

Hat tip to Inman

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