Anyone Up for some Fantasy Baseball?

I haven’t blogged about it before, but I’m a huge sports fan, baseball, football, and hockey, in no particular order, just depends on the season. I’m quite the homer, and have been a life long Buccaneers fan, as well as followed the Devil Rays since day one. It took a few years of the Lightning being in town, but I proudly say I was at their first playoff game in St. Petersburg, so I’ve been a fan for long enough not to be called a band wagon fan. I follow the sports in general as well, and since first going on line, have participated in one form or another of fantasy sports. For me, its a way of keeping up with the rest of the league, and gives you some one to root for when watching games other than the home team. So, that said, I’m looking for other bloggers to play in a free online fantasy league via cbs.sportsline. It’s only for bragging rights, but can be a fun way to get to know others online, as well as add another online distraction. I’m only doing one league, so if this one doesn’t pan out, I’ll jump into something else, but I’m hopping to find at least 9 others to participate. I’m planning on doing a straight rotisserie league, meaning you draft a hitter for each position, several outfielders ,and a pitching staff. Then based on their stats in each category, they are ranked 1-x x being the number of players. So if you have a guy leading the league in HR, he’ll have the most points. Likewise with pitchers and KO, ERA, Saves, wins, WHIP (walks+hits per inning pitched, you want a low number here, same with ERA). So leave a comment and the link to your blog along with the required email in the comments and I’ll send a link, league name and password. Basically the first 11 bloggers to comment and register are in, draft will be live, but if you can’t make it, you can rank your players and you’ll auto draft. Not as fun, but I’ve seen people win leagues with a computer drafted team. I’ll decide on draft time when I find out where on the planet all the players are, and try and find a common time to do it. Like I said, nothing but bragging rights, and I’ll probably knock out a button for the winner to flaunt their baseball superiority.

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