Olbermann - Baseball Historian Extraordinaire

I’ve said it before on Twitter, regardless of what you think of his political leanings or on air persona, Keith Olbermann is one of the most interesting baseball historians/fans I’ve read. Regularly during the baseball season Olbermann waxes on both current and past baseball events on his Baseball Nerd blog. I’m not sure I’ve read a better example than his latest This Just In…From 1984, showing a possibly never before seen page from a periodical of the time with images of a long lost championship game. The fact he can give players names and anecdotes for many of those involved lends to the grainy images from a bygone era. The juxtaposed image from the periodical with one of his own snapshots from the ‘09 World Series truly brings the past and present of baseball together brilliantly (despite it being the Yankees). I highly recommend subscribing to the blog if you are a true lover of baseball.

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