Bad Behavior 2 Roadmap

With all the buzz around the net discussing Akismet, which, to me, is just another hype for, I came across IOerror’s discussion of his roadmap for Bad Behaivor 2. Again, people are praising Akismet as the second coming of Christ, and if that is the case, then the combination of Spam Karma and Bad Behavior is the first coming. Along with the roadmap, IOError discusses the reality of what it will take for him to be able to knock out the new version, CA$H. Quite understandable, hell, this blogger had to go back to his prior profession for the exact same reason. But the case of Bad Behavior is simple, if 100 bloggers such as this one has already done and donated a mere $10, we would in essence be hiring a full time spam fighter. So let this be a challenge to other bloggers, jump on the bandwagon and use Kismet, or support the developer who set the standard in the first place. I’m from the school of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, so therefore I’m not disabling my two working anti-spam plugins to try the flavor of the week, I’d rather see the BB2 come down the pipe a month or so from now. It’s up to you now.