Image Links and Hover Background Colors

I did a google search for the solution to a problem I had with some CSS and image links, and didn’t find a good solution, so I’m throwing this out there for anyone who might stumble upon it. The problem I was having was that I was creating a site with a black ground. There was a global setting for all a:hover links to have a background color and different font color, a common effect. However, any image links that I had were also getting a small box of the same color at the bottom when I moused over it, not at all good looking. I tried setting the selector a:hover img to a black backgroud, but the color still showed up. After closer inspection of my style sheet, I had set a global marign and padding on all images. When I set those to zero, the color didn’t show up. However, I didn’t want to sacrifice all images to not have to margin or padding, or force the end user to add a special class to images, so I tried setting the a:hover img margins and padding to zero. The problem there was that the image would “jerk” when moused over, as the margin and padding shifted. So I simply set a img to zero margins and padding, and my problem was solved. The only down fall is if someone wants to post an image in a blog post that’s a link, the text will butt right up against it. However, if that problem arises, I can then set a class for that image, and should be able to give the image room. Anyway, like I said, I didn’t find a solution in the first few pages of google, not that this will make those pages neccessarily, but it’s worth throwing out there.

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