Tunesday: Band of Horses

I’m not sure why it’s taken me this long to truly discover Band of Horses. I’d owned Infinite Arms for a while, just hadn’t really listened to it. Perhaps it was the fact that Funeral is on the jukebox of my favorite dive bar, and the girlfriend of one of my close friends played it over and over after he committed suicide. What ever the case, I’ve recently been digging into their music and lyrics, and the vibe they put out really is speaking to me these days.

This live acoustic version of Factory is a perfect example. They were recently on Austin City Limits (The National were on the same show), and now I really want to experience them live. Several years ago they played a SPoT show at the outdoor amphitheater in the Cuban Club, and from my porch in Ybor Heights I could hear them great. The band shell seemed to direct the music right over the interstate onto my porch. But I simply didn’t have the same appreciation for their sound as I do today. Can’t wait for them to get back from Europe and travel the states again.

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