Tunesday (THIS is my Jam): Jason Molina

I used to do these posts, and well, I got lost in social media and life…this evening though listening to music on my back porch (Airplay is awesome!) I went down a rabbit hole of my music library and found myself listening to Jason Molina.

I’m not sure when/how I discovered him; might have been after seeing My Morning Jacket at the New World Brewery in Tampa and finding his band Songs: Ohio did a split EP with MMJ. However it went, I was a fan. Pretty sure I saw him with Songs: Ohio, but I know I saw him solo. At least twice.

I was sad to read that he lost a battle. Think I read there’s a tribute album out there, but too lazy to link to it. Suffice to say, if you didn’t experience him when he walked this Earth, you might want to put him in your queue.

I have no idea if this was a “sanctioned” video or not, but it’s quite well done. I almost want to make my own with the epic Florida summer storm clouds I see daily while driving in west central Florida.

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